Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Shape Up or Ship Out!

So, ok.  This in more self imposed than anything.  But it is time.  Actually it is far far far overdue.  Yes, that's right.  Am going to get into shape if it kills me, and it just might.  I have been way too afraid of starting, but that fear has just been outdone by the fear of what happens if I don't.  Career, Love, Health.  They all matter tremeandously and it is time I take them all seriously.  Fitness is a great first step to exercising self control and responsibility.  Two attributes I belive will make me "wifey material".  Here starts the first day of Becoming Mrs. Muller.  Wish me luck.... better yet, wish me a calorie free cheeseburger...


Mollie said...

I'm excited to keep up on your blog!! This will be a fun one to read. Health and nutrition has become my passion over the years. I just finished my Bachelor's in Nutrition Science so let me know if I can help at all!!

April said...

Oh thats so exciting! Congrats! I am so clueless about most fitness things, so it will be slow progress at first I'm sure. I hope I have time to post frequently. It will be good accountability for me knowing that you will be reading!